Course curriculum
TRANSFORM 2023 Notes
Executive Director Handoff
Session 1: Building a Brain that Carries More Weight- Michel & Claudia Hendricks
Session 2: Enemy Mode Close to Home- Margaret Webb
Session 3: Introduction to Breakouts- Dr. Jim Wilder
Session 4 Breakout: I Struggle Staying in an Immanuel State - Teddi & Amy
Session 4 Breakout: Growing Our Connection With Jesus in Anger- Terri & Michael Sullivant
Session 4 Breakout: Keeping Your Identity Group Across Racial Divides- Rev. Ricky Moore & Dr. Julia Moore
Session 4 Breakout: Introduction to the Life Model - Ray & Deborah Woolridge
Session 4 Breakout: Growing Our Connection With Jesus in Shame- Michel Hendricks
Celebrating 25 years of Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You!
Session 5: Building a Brain That Escapes Enemy Mode- Michel & Claudia Hendricks, Dr. Jim Wilder
Session 6 - Staying Relational During Racial Tension - Ricky and Dr. Julia Moore
Session 7: Getting in an Immanuel State- Michael Sullivant
Session 8 Breakout: Leaders Acting Like Ourselves and Addressing the Racial Barrier- Rev. Ricky Moore & Dr. Julia Moore, Claudia Hendricks
Session 8 Breakout: Learning to Connect to Jesus in Anger- Michael & Terri Sullivant
Session 8 Breakout: Introduction to Escaping Enemy Mode- Ray & Deborah Woolridge
Session 8 Breakout: I Can't Stay in an Immanuel State- Teddi & Amy
Session 8 Breakout: Learning to Connect to Jesus in Shame- Michel Hendricks
Session 9: Getting Back to an Immanuel State and Your Best Self-
Jim's Song!
Session 10: Escaping Enemy Mode Together- Panel Discussion
Group Immanuel Prayer & Identity- Marlene Allen
Session 11: Once Not a People, Now a People- Rev. Ricky Moore
Sullivant and Marlene Interview
Summary Blog by Jen Pfeiler
About this course
- $65.99
- 26 lessons
- 20.5 hours of video content